Amos Blackman  
Amos Blackman


It turns out that there aren't too many people named “Amos Blackman.” But just to verify, if you're looking for the husband of Shannon; father of Hannah; son of Marc and Susan; brother of Sam and Eli; who grew up in Portland and Lake Oswego, Oregon; attended elementary school at Duniway and Hallinan; attended junior high at then-Waluga (now-Lakeridge); attended high school at Lakeridge; went to college at Harvard in Cambridge, Massachusetts (or “Boston,” as we sometimes referred to it); lived in San Francisco, California and worked at Tellme Networks; went to law school at Columbia in New York City; spent summers at the ACLU of Southern California and the then-Legal Aid Society of San Francisco – Employment Law Center (now-Legal Aid at Work); then moved to Denver, Colorado to clerk for the Honorable Carlos F. Lucero of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit; then returned to New York, to live in Brooklyn and to work, first as a Johnnie L. Cochran, Jr. Civil Rights Fellow at Neufeld Scheck & Brustin, LLP (formerly Cochran Neufeld & Scheck, LLP), then as an associate at Bantle & Levy LLP, then as a trial attorney at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commisssion; and finally moved to Seattle, Washington (still with the EEOC), then you're probably in the right place (unless I've got some seriously creepy doppelgänger out there).

I'm not here right now. I used to post my contact info and social media accounts, but it generated too much spam and I stopped using social media regularly. So if you want to contact me, your best bet is to try to figure out my email address. Here are some hints: my first name, my last name, no spaces, via an electronic mail service run by the same company that runs the most popular search engine.